Whit Went West

The rants of a 20-something girl who is currently lost in the right direction.

Read this first

2.20.15 TGIF

Congrats! It’s Friday! aka. the longest day of MY week. On fridays I work a full 8-5 at the office then race to the bar and work until midnight. (PS- I am not complaining, because I gave that up for Lent ! Just painting a picture.) But there is a silver lining, because inevitably Saturday always follows. All day on Friday I know that when my head hits my pillow around 1 am that I do not have to set an alarm and can sleep as long as my little heart desires - 100% guilt-free. (Typically this results in about 45 minutes more than any other work day, but I treasure those extra glittery 45 minutes, because time is precious). However, the only thing that gets me up and out of bed on these grueling Fridays is the refreshing thought of a large vat of dunkin’s hazelnut coffee and an even larger to-go smoothie.

Last night I was lucky enough to be invited to a delicious Italian dinner with...

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Klutzy in Cali

As promised, I am about to let you in on one of my more embarrassing moments in the history of Whitney. It certainly is not the first and unfortunately will not be the last. It has not been all rainbows, dolphins, and smooth sailing here in California. I believe there is some sort of voo-doo/urban legend saying that bad things come in threes and thankfully I have recently ran into my third “bad luck” event. However, today’s blog is about the 2nd horrible/no-good/rotten/embarrassing thing that ever so graciously went down (foreshadowing see I do remember some things from high school literature)

Previously on Whit Went West I discussed my super cool, do-these-jobs-actually-exist? job as a personal assistant at a local boutique winery in central California. (for purposes such as job security and adult responsibility I am going to leave out the name and such. ALSO definition) And the...

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New Girl.

Leaving NH was hard - I am sure you get that by now, as I reference it in every post. (I’ll work on not doing that so frequently) One very hard part of leaving Keene, NH was saying goodbye to my waitressing job at Elm City Brewery, we even had a two month long farewell tour. If you have never heard or been, it is the most fantastic and lovable micro-brewery in the whole planet. I began as a busser there when I was 16 years old and became a legitimate family member of this locally-owned-family-run business. Throughout college I came back on summer vacations and on the weekends I ran out of beer money for some quick cash and quality laughs with my co-workers. When I graduated college and found myself where most recent college grads find themselves: unemployed, living with my parents, and facing astronomical student debt, the brewery opened its arms to me and once again allowed me to...

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Well, shit man…

I have been slacking on the blog that I promised my self and my few followers (Thanks Mom&Mimi for being my strong fan base! xo) But it is not my fault because I have been extremely busy making FRIENDS! Gosh, I took for granted all my life-long friends in NH that have to love me, because at this point I know too much and am a liability :). Making friends is a full-time job - on top of my actual full-time job, my part-time job and my promise to get fit (still working on that). Now that all my excuses for not blogging are out on the table, here is my vow to do better! Forgive me, lets move on.

Whit Went West continued..
I have been a very busy gal! I moved into a fancy-dancy three bedroom, three bathroom condo with my two friends from NH. 603 –> 805 house! When I packed up my car in July I included absolutely zero “Household Goods.” Starting from scratch in a state about as far away...

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Do What You Say, Not What You Do.

As previously mentioned, I decided to make my pilgrimage west in mid May of 2014. I gave myself 2 months to stop pooping my pants, save money, tie -up loose ends, and get the heck out of New Hampshire. During those two stalemate months I dreamt up lists of things I would start doing once I moved to California. My lists consisted of things I have been meaning to do for years but just, bleh didn’t.

Whitney’s List of Things to Do once in Sunny California!!

-Get fit! because 1. its the right thing to be. 2. its California, everyone is fit and seemingly perfect. 3. Your body is your temple.

-Get into yoga! because 1. everybody is doing it 2. it potentially could be a grand alternative to prozac someday 3. namaste

-*Start a blog! * because 1. I’m young & living a badass adventure 2.also great brain exercise for the post-grad vegetable.

-Join a book club because 1. closet nerd til...

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2 Months Out.


In May of 2014 I thought, “Wow, Whitney, you are 23 years old, you were born, raised, educated in rural New Hampshire for all of those 23 years. Next question: Are you going to start a career, family, a 401(k) in NH for.EV.ver(sandlot voice)?” I decided I absolutely had to get out before I turned into my parents, my grandparents, my friends-parents, my god parents, my dogs parents (see what I did there?) etc. Not that they are bad people, they are some of the greatest people around, but well-traveled? -They are not. I was no longer happy with my stagnant life in New Hampshire. I regularly felt like I was going nowhere, because lets face it - I wasn’t. I was living with my parents and beginning to repay my astronomical student loans(more to come in future posts) I constantly found myself in anti-relationships that consumed my feelings and time and were absolutely never worth all...

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